That Sugar Movement

Finding your balance

Most of us want to eat well. And we should. It is imperative for optimal brain and body function. While it is obvious that certain foods are not great for us (yes, that Krispy Kreme is not designed to nourish your body), there are plenty of ideas out there on what diet is “best”. Yet … Continued

Tackling sugar cravings

Without a doubt, sugar is tempting and cravings can be intense.  Food and drink containing added sugar is everywhere, widely marketed, cheap, and easy to over-consume. With sugar present in around 70% of the food supply, your body and taste buds may have come to expect and desire it. To reduce intake and dependence, it … Continued

Sugar and sleep

Sleep is essential to health. Equally important as eating well and moving the body. But what does sleep have to do with sugar? A lot, it turns out!   The importance of sleep We need sleep for pretty much every aspect of health. This includes proper immune, metabolic, brain, and cardiovascular function, appetite regulation and … Continued

Healthy meal ideas for kids

Creating a meal to please kids that is also healthy can be a challenge. Children and teens can have a discerning palate and a preference for particular (often less healthy) foods. It is not surprising. We are faced with endless marketing of hyper-palatable ultra-processed and packaged foods, many of which contain added and free sugars while offering … Continued

Sugar and kids

  Kids love sweet stuff. In fact, humans are wired to desire it.  For most of history, humans evolved to seek out sweet tastes. Finding sweet, ripe foods offered an easy energy source, therefore, an evolutionary advantage.  In the modern-day developed environment, foods high in added sugars are readily available and abundant. It is difficult … Continued

Sugar and the brain

Credit: Canva Our brain is our best friend. A friend we often take for granted!  To keep the brain healthy, we need to eat healthily. That means more whole foods, less ultra-processed foods, and limiting consumption of added and free sugars. Why? Read on.  Activating reward centre When eating sugary foods, the brain’s reward system … Continued

Intense sweeteners

We get asked a lot about alternatives to sugar. This is warranted, as individuals look for ways to reduce intake but confronted with mixed messages about the health effects of consuming sugar substitutes.  Are they helpful or harmful? For a simple answer, here is what we advise:  Alternative, intense sweeteners and sugar substitutes are fine … Continued

Dinner – sharing the (no added sugar) love

However, an often overlooked – yet important – component of the food experience is how we eat it. Is it rushed and on-the-go? Has it been prepared with care and love? Is it shared with those you care about? Dinner is a perfect opportunity to enjoy a homemade meal slowly and at the table with … Continued

Snack mindfully

Mid-afternoon is here and the chocolate craving steam train is ready to steer you toward your nearest 7-Eleven. Despite all your best intentions, you jump on board, and for a moment you feel the energy-slump lift, only to slump again shortly after. Sustaining energy throughout a day can be a challenge. We have demanding lives … Continued

No added sugar birthday party food!

A celebratory cake is likely to contain some sweet stuff, and the occasional slice for most is perfectly okay! However, adding to that the sugary foods typically found at a kid’s birthday party can result in sugar overload. Here we have a selection of no added sugar food and drink ideas perfect for a party, … Continued

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That Sugar Movement