That Sugar Movement


Carrot Soup with Ginger & Mint

  • Carrot Soup with Ginger & Mint - Serves Serves: 6-8
  • Carrot Soup with Ginger & Mint - Prep Time Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Carrot Soup with Ginger & Mint - Cook Time Cook Time: 45 minutes

Contains dairy

This is a comforting soup, brimming with nutrients to bolster the immune system. Carrot and pumpkin offer antioxidants and vitamins renowned for strengthening the immune system. The warming ginger contains bioactive substances that make it a great fighter of infections. Winning!

The classic flavours in this soup are lifted by the addition of sizzling of mint butter, topped with some toasted almonds. You could also experiment with sage, paprika or cumin seed butter – just substitute the mint for the same quantity of a different herb or spice.

You’ll find this soup will be nice and thick, especially once it has cooled, so you may want to add some water when reheating.



  • 2tbsp - olive oil
  • 1 - leek, roughly sliced
  • 5 cm - knob of ginger, thinly sliced
  • 1kg - carrot, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 - butternut pumpkin, chopped into cubes
  • 1L - vegetable stock
  • 2tbsp - butter
  • 2tsp - mint, finely chopped
  • toasted flaked almonds, to serve


  1. Heat the olive oil in a heavy-based saucepan then gently fry the leek and ginger for 5 minutes.
  2. Add the carrots and pumpkin to the pan and cook for a few minutes.
  3. Pour in the stock, bring to a simmer, then turn the heat down low.
  4. Cover with a lid and cook for 30 minutes until the vegetables soften.
  5. Use a hand blender to puree until it’s smooth.
  6. When you’re ready to serve, melt the butter in a pan and when it starts to sizzle, add the mint.
  7. Drizzle the herbed butter over the soup and scatter the flaked almonds.

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